2015年2月16日 星期一


訓練課程分為三個section.基本上都是希望循序漸進一個section 一個section熟練後再進行下一個

section 1:
1. The pose stance
2.changing support
4.hop in place
5.forward change od support
6.forward pony
7.forward hop
8.forward lunge
9.double forward lung
11.running lunge
12.single skip forward
13.double skip forward

section 2:

1.base jump
2.heel touch
3.side shuffle :  change GCM
4.hip twist
5.shuffle 前後跳步,
6.toes up
7. hand to foot
8 forward heel touch 
9.forward shuffle
10.foward hip twist
11.forward toes up
12.forwad hand to foot
13. forward 2 legs hopbase jump
2.heel touch
3.side shuffle :  change GCM
4.hip twist
5.shuffle 前後跳步,
6.toes up
7. hand to foot
8 forward heel touch 
9.forward shuffle
10.foward hip twist
11.forward toes up
12.forwad hand to foot

13. forward 2 legs hop

section 3:

1.front bench jump
2.back  bench jump
3.elastic change of support
4.elastic hop
5.elastic forward change
6.elastic forward hop
7.elastic run
8.slef elastic run
9.forward pony and run
10. forward downfall skip and run
11.forward lunge and run


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