2011年12月14日 星期三

what are top 5 killer features for VDI (virtual desktop infrastruct)

Today I  join the discussion to make a innovation ideas for VDI product.  This induce

my though.  Below are my top 5 features

1) retal solution to make VDI can execute without internet.

My idea is like source code check out concept.  User can check out their VDI solution to their mobile or other device

And it was controlled by certificate.  When lease term expired, it will not be accessible again.

2)two factors identifier protection.  It means your data will be protected more secure .

3)thin client for VDI.  Can use a thin client to access your VDI.  All your data, apps are located on remote data center.

Such a google chromeOS

4)Recallable VDI.  Once someone stole your VDI account.   Your admin can recall your VDI data to make it to become


5) have multiple theme VDI.   Such as gaming purpose, working purpose, media center purpose.   User can select what

purpose they need this time.



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