2012年3月15日 星期四

如何獲得額外的dropbox 硬碟空間2 gb -2012/04/02前有效

如果有學校帳號,可以參加dropbox spacecreate 活動,只要在下列網址填入你的合法學校email及可以參加,學校越多人參加你的空間會越多https://www.dropbox.com/spacerace



原始參考網頁:Get 2GB Additional Space on Dropbox With This Hack




  1. Go to https://www.samsung.com.br/dropbox/Default.aspx. The page is in Portuguese.
  2. Click the “avançar” button.
  3. Click the “avançar” button again.
  4. Enter a (bogus) e-mail address. This won't be verified and does NOT have to be the same as your Dropbox e-mail address. Click the “avançar” button.
  5. Click the “avançar” button to confirm the e-mail address you entered.
  6. Fill in the form with (bogus) information.  //填入必要的聯絡資訊,主要注意事項只有下列幾點 #.名字部分就亂填即可 (Nome)  #.E-mail:也可以亂填,系統不會檢查 #密碼(Senha): 要輸入含有數字密碼,最少要八個,可以輸個十個數字,右邊就是檢查用的,請跟昨邊輸入一樣即可 #CPF : 請另外開啟右邊得網址,按下按鈕"Gerar" ,以產出CPF    http://www.gerardocumentos.com.br/ #電話部分,開頭請使用 34 開頭,左右兩邊接相同,接著為八位數得電話號碼,左右兩邊請不要相同 #把右下角兩個checkbox打勾,然後案出"avancar"
  7. samsung-dropbox-1


    • Nome is name.
    • Senha is the password. At least eight characters, numbers and letters, no sequences.
    • For CPF, go to this website: http://www.gerardocumentos.com.br/
    • Click the "Gerar" button, copy the number generated in the box below, and if it displays "Verdadeiro", you're good.
    • Dt de Nascimento is a day of birth. Day, month, year format.
    • Telefone and Celular are phone numbers. In the first box use area code 34. Entere eight random digits for the phone numbers. A different one for both boxes.
    • Check the box next to "Concordo com as Condições Gerais".
    • Click the “avançar” button. If it will display any errors in the form, use Google Translate to figure out the errors. http://translate.google.com
  8. On the next page, select "GT-S5570B" from the drop-down box. // 接下來,請選擇你的電話型號為" GT-S5570B",可參考下列圖示z //IMEI 的部份,請到下列附屬的網頁去產生,只要在digit number部分輸入 五個數字,去產生IMEI碼,由於只有五碼,所以是有可能會重複的,如果當你填入後,沒被系統接受(接受後,會下下列圖示,有一個紅色的小圖示)
    • For the IMEI in the box next to it, go to this page:http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3471788/imei.html
    • Leave the base number alone, and enter a five digit number in the serial number box.
    • Click generate.
    • Paste the resulting number in the IMEI box on the Samsung page and click "adicionar produto" to attempt to add the number. //記得要按右邊的(+)
    • It will add the device, IMEI, and a red minus sign in the area below the entry form if the number was accepted.


    • If the IMEI was not accepted and the device was not added, go back to the IMEI generator page and increase the serial number by one. Repeat submission until it is accepted.
    • Click the “avançar” button.
  9. On the next page, you will see a code under "Codigo Promocional".

    //當你拿到下列的promote code就表示你已經成功了,把被藍色標記起來的數值copy起來,到下列的dropbox coupon網頁輸入你的promte code,硬碟空間就可以多出2gb,記得最好先登入你的dropbox 帳號比較好


  10. Copy that and paste it here: https://www.dropbox.com/coupon. (you may have to log in to Dropbox first)
  11. Your space should be instantly increased by 2GB!

The offer is valid till April 2, 2012 or the first 100,000 customers.


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