2016年3月15日 星期二

Install kano os on raspberry pi

1. Download kano os from kano web site


2.Burn kano image to SD

3.boot up from your raspberry pi 3

4.Skip kano_init_flow since we don’t buy a kano kit

  ** the default password is kano

  * modify   config file which was located in your home directory     /home/[UserName]/.init-flow.json

  change “complete”: false  —>   “complete”: true"



5. resize sd if your kano os didn’t use all SD card 

#sudo fdisk /dev/mmcblk0

Then, in the fdisk program, you must press the d, 2, n, p, 2, Enter, Enter, and w key, in this exact same order, pressing the Enter key after each one. After that, reboot the Ubuntu MATE operating system, open the Terminal app again and run the following command.

#sudo  resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2


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