2009年12月22日 星期二

如何開啟vmware ESXi Server的ssh console

1.How to open VMware ESXi with ssh console support
Ans:By default this isn’t possible. But there’s a way to get this working,
just do the following:
1)Go to the ESXi console and press alt+F1
2)Type: unsupported
3)Enter the root password
4)At the prompt type “vi /etc/inetd.conf”
5)Look for the line that starts with “#ssh” (you can search with pressing
6)Remove the “#” (press the “x” if the cursor is on the character)
Save “/etc/inetd.conf” by typing “:wq!”
7)Restart the management service “/sbin/services.sh restart”

8)restart inetd
3.VMware 如果是用copy 或 snap開機後要 記得更改 MAC Address,作法為把
/etc/sysconfig/network-script/ifcfg-eth0 裡面的 MAC Address拿掉
再重新啟動 /etc/init.d/network restart 即可


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