2020年8月31日 星期一

How to manager multiple version terraform on Mac

  1. Use tfenv
    # brew install tfenv
  2. use tfenv to install terraform
    # tfenv list
    # tfenv install 0.13.1
    # tfenv use 0.13.1 (as default)

2020年8月27日 星期四

詭異的Google blogger 異常流量

今天在研究部落格流量跟文章數到底有沒有關係,因為8月以來我有刻意多寫部落格,雖然知道部落格根本沒人看,但也知道都會有一些網路爬蟲會自動爬部落格造成一些少少的流量,然後今天一看統計資料竟然在5/12當日有一天5600的流量,但我回頭看,整個五月份根本沒寫任何一篇文章,不知道為什麼流量會暴增,但更奇怪的是,對比Google AdSense五月份根本沒爆衝的流量,所以這可能是單純google blogger的bug 所以內部系統轉換造成的異常流量


Nono送「一間百萬公司」 淡出雞排⋯幫朱海君圓副業夢

2020年8月26日 星期三

Packer 101

What is packer?
A:Packer is a free and open source tool for creating golden image for multiple platform from a single source configuration.

  • Packer works works on json files

  • What are on Packer json ?

1.builder(required): Builders are components of packer to create machine image
* type
* iso_url (required)
* iso_checksum (required)
* iso_checksum_type (required)
* ssh_username (optional)
* shutdown_command (optional)
* vm_name (optional)
* guest_os_type (optional)
* disk_size (optional)
* http_directory (optional)
* boot_wait (optional)
* boot_command (optional)
* floppy_file (optional)

there are several type of buildfer

builder 說明
amazon-ebs is able to create Amazon AMIs backed by EBS volumes for use in EC2
docker {
"builders": [{
  1. varaibles (option): such as AWS access and secret key "variables": {
    "aws_access_key": "{{env `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`}}",
    "aws_secret_key": "{{env `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`}}",
    "region": "us-east-1"
    3.provisioners (options)

* type
* override
* virtualbox
* output
Packer commands

查看 example.json 結構

packer inspect example.json

驗證 example.json 語法

packer validate example.json

產生 vm image

packer build example.json



2020年8月22日 星期六

黃金思考圈 (WHY — HOW — WHAT)

主要是提起所謂的Golden Circle, 跟大腦的結構其實是息息相關的,一個人或組織做事要成功,應該是由內往外推動,先讓人們認知到Why: 為何你要這樣做,然後推廣到How: 你要如何做,最後就自然而然變成結果What

2020年8月13日 星期四


使用Textastic 跟 Working Copy 兩個配合,可以很簡單的在Textatic上開啟repository 上的code
Use Drag and Drop on iPad to Open a Repository

  1. 在iPad上使用分割視窗,同時開啟Textastic 跟working copy
  2. 直接把working copy上的repo 拖拉到Textastic上即可


2020年8月12日 星期三

C名題精選百則1-1: 最長平台


class Solution:
    def findPlate(self,list):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: int
        for i in range(len(sorted_list)):

        return sorted_list[length]







What is meta data

From wiki page,
Metadata is "data that provide information about other data"
Include some different types:

  • Descriptive metadata
  • Structural metadata
  • Administrative metadata
  • Reference metadata
  • Statistical metadata

# MacOS error code

## MacOS error Troubleshooting skill

  1. If error code was relative security, can use security command to see the detail #can use following command to get the detail
    $security error -67062
  2. How to find some useful tools were belong to which packages brew search --desc [tool]. (--desc: search in description)
  3. How to modify resolution of external monitor when it clamis "out of range"
  4. In System Preferences=>Display
  5. switch to Arrangement tab
  6. click "option" key, you will see the right corner wording change from "Gather Windows" to "Detect Displays"
  7. Now you will be able to change the resolution

    Mac error code list

  8. error -67062 security exception

  9. error -32768 svTempDisable: Temporarily disable card but run primary init.

  10. error -32640 svDisabled: Reserve range -32640 to -32768 for Apple temp disables.

  11. error -32615 fontNotOutlineErr: bitmap font passed to routine that does outlines only

  12. error -23048 outOfMemory: Not enough memory is available to issue the needed DNR query or to build the DNR cache.

  13. error -23047 dnrErr: The domain name server has returned an error.

  14. error -23046 noAnsErr: None of the known name servers are responding.

  15. error -23045 authNameErr: The domain name does not exist.

  16. error -23044 noNameServer: No name server can be found for the specified name string.

  17. error -23043 noResultProc: No result procedure is passed to the address translation call when the resolver must be used to find the address.

  18. error -23042 cacheFault: The name specified cannot be found in the cache. The domain name resolver will now query the domain name server and return the answer in the callback procedure.

  19. error -23041 nameSyntaxErr: The <> field had a syntax error. The address was given in dot notation (that is, W.X.Y.Z) and did not conform to the syntax for an IP address.

  20. error -23037 ipRouteErr: No gateway available to manage routing of packets to off-network destinations.

  21. error -23036 ipNoFragMemErr: Insufficient internal driver buffers available to fragment this packet on send.

  22. error -23035 icmpEchoTimeoutErr: The icmp echo packet was not responded to in the indicated timeout period.

  23. error -23033 ipDestDeadErr: The destination host is not responding to address resolution requests.

  24. error -23032 ipDontFragErr: The pack is too large to send without fragmenting and the Don't Fragment flag is set.

  25. error -23017 duplicateSocket: A stream is already open using the local UDP port or a TCP connection already exists between the local IP address and TCP port, and the specified remote IP address and TCP port.

  26. error -23016 commandTimeout: The specified command action was not completed in the specified time period.

  27. error -23015 openFailed: The connection came halfway up and then failed.

  28. error -23014 invalidWDS: The WDS pointer was 0 (nil).

  29. error -23014 invalidRDS: The RDS refers to receive buffers not owned by the user.

  30. error -23013 invalidBufPtr: The receive buffer area pointer is 0 (nil).

  31. error -23012 connectionTerminated: The TCP connection was broken; the reason will be given a terminate ASR.

  32. error -23011 streamAlreadyOpen: An open stream is already using the receive buffer area.

  33. error -23010 invalidStreamPtr: The specified TCP or UDP stream is not open.

  34. error -23009 insufficientResources: 64 TCP or UDP streams are already open.

  35. error -23008 connectionDoesntExist: The TCP stream has no open connection.

  36. error -23007 connectionExists: The TCP or UDP stream already has an open connection.

  37. error -23006 invalidLength: The total amount of data described by the WDS was either 0 or greater than 65,535 bytes.

  38. error -23005 connectionClosing: A TCPClose command was already issued so there is no more data to send on this connection.

  39. error -23004 ipBadAddr: Error in getting an address from a server or the address is already in use by another machine.

  40. error -23003 ipLoadErr: Not enough room in the application heap (Macintosh 512K enhanced only)

  41. error -23002 ipNoCnfgErr: A configuration resource is missing.

  42. error -23001 ipBadCnfgErr: The manually set address is configured improperly.

  43. error -23000 ipBadLapErr: Unable to initialize the local network handler.

  44. error -20002 invalidIndexErr: The recordIndex parameter is not valid.

  45. error -20001 recordDataTooBigErr: The record data is bigger than buffer size (1024 bytes).

  46. error -20000 unknownInsertModeErr: There is no such an insert mode.

  47. error -13005 pmRecvEndErr: during receive pmgr did not finish hs configured for this connection

  48. error -13004 pmRecvStartErr: during receive pmgr did not start hs

  49. error -13003 pmSendEndErr: during send pmgr did not finish hs

  50. error -13002 pmSendStartErr: during send pmgr did not start hs

  51. error -13001 pmReplyTOErr: Timed out waiting for reply

  52. error -13000 pmBusyErr: Power Mgr never ready to start handshake

  53. error -11005 pictureDataErr: the picture data was invalid

  54. error -11004 colorsRequestedErr: the number of colors requested was illegal

  55. error -11003 cantLoadPickMethodErr: unable to load the custom pick proc

  56. error -11002 pictInfoVerbErr: the passed verb was invalid

  57. error -11001 pictInfoIDErr: the internal consistancy check for the PictInfoID is wrong

  58. error -11000 pictInfoVersionErr: wrong version of the PictInfo structure

  59. error -10115 telBadSampleRate: incompatible sample rate

  60. error -10114 telBadSWErr: Software not installed properly

  61. error -10113 telDetAlreadyOn: detection is already turned on

  62. error -10112 telAutoAnsNotOn: autoAnswer in not turned on

  63. error -10111 telValidateFailed: telValidate failed

  64. error -10110 telBadProcID: invalid procID

  65. error -10109 telDeviceNotFound: device not found

  66. error -10108 telBadCodeResource: code resource not found

  67. error -10107 telInitFailed: initialization failed

  68. error -10106 telNoCommFolder: CommunicationsExtensions Ä not found

  69. error -10103 telUnknownErr: unable to set config

  70. error -10102 telNoSuchTool: unable to find tool with name specified

  71. error -10101 telNoTools: unable to find any telephone tools

  72. error -10091 telBadFunction: bad msgCode specified

  73. error -10090 telPBErr: parameter block error bad format

  74. error -10082 telCANotDeflectable: CA not "deflectable"

  75. error -10081 telCANotRejectable: CA not "rejectable"

  76. error -10080 telCANotAcceptable: CA not "acceptable"

  77. error -10072 telTermNotOpen: terminal not opened via TELOpenTerm

  78. error -10071 telStillNeeded: terminal driver still needed by someone else

  79. error -10070 telAlreadyOpen: terminal already open

  80. error -10064 telNoCallbackRef: no call back reference was specified but is required

  81. error -10063 telDisplayModeNotSupp: display mode not supported by tool

  82. error -10062 telBadDisplayMode: bad display mode specified

  83. error -10061 telFwdTypeNotSupp: forward type not supported by tool

  84. error -10060 telDNTypeNotSupp: DN type not supported by tool

  85. error -10059 telBadRate: bad rate specified

  86. error -10058 telBadBearerType: bad bearerType specified

  87. error -10057 telBadSelect: unable to select or deselect DN

  88. error -10056 telBadParkID: bad park id specified

  89. error -10055 telBadPickupGroupID: bad pickup group ID specified

  90. error -10054 telBadFwdType: bad fwdType specified

  91. error -10053 telBadFeatureID: bad feature ID specified

  92. error -10052 telBadIntercomID: bad intercom ID specified

  93. error -10051 telBadPageID: bad page ID specified

  94. error -10050 telBadDNType: DN type invalid

  95. error -10047 telConfLimitExceeded: attempt to exceed switch conference limits

  96. error -10046 telCBErr: call back feature not set previously

  97. error -10045 telTransferRej: transfer request rejected

  98. error -10044 telTransferErr: transfer not prepared

  99. error -10043 telConfRej: conference request was rejected

  100. error -10042 telConfErr: conference was not prepared

  101. error -10041 telConfNoLimit: no limit was specified but required

  102. error -10040 telConfLimitErr: limit specified is too high for this configuration

  103. error -10033 telFeatNotSupp: feature program call not supported by this tool

  104. error -10032 telFeatActive: feature already active

  105. error -10031 telFeatNotAvail: feature subscribed but not available

  106. error -10030 telFeatNotSub: feature not subscribed

  107. error -10024 telDNDTypeNotSupp: DND type is not supported by this tool

  108. error -10023 telBadDNDType: bad DND type specified

  109. error -10022 telIntExtNotSupp: internal external type not supported by this tool

  110. error -10021 telBadIntExt: bad internal external error

  111. error -10020 telStateNotSupp: device state not supported by tool

  112. error -10019 telBadStateErr: bad device state specified

  113. error -10018 telIndexNotSupp: index not supported by this tool

  114. error -10017 telBadIndex: bad index specified

  115. error -10016 errAELocalOnly or telAPattNotSupp: alerting pattern not supported by tool

  116. error -10015 errAECantUndo or telBadAPattErr: bad alerting pattern specified

  117. error -10014 errAENotASingleObject or telVTypeNotSupp: volume type not supported by this tool

  118. error -10013 errAENoUserSelection or telBadVTypeErr: bad volume type error

  119. error -10012 errAENoSuchTransaction or telBadLevelErr: bad volume level setting

  120. error -10011 errAEInTransaction or telHTypeNotSupp: hook type not supported by this tool

  121. error -10010 errAECantHandleClass or telBadHTypeErr: bad hook type specified

  122. error -10009 errAECantSupplyType

  123. error -10008 errAENotAnElement or telNoOpenErr: unable to open terminal

  124. error -10007 errAEIndexTooLarge or telNoMemErr: no memory to allocate handle

  125. error -10006 errAEWriteDenied or telCAUnavail: a CA is not available

  126. error -10005 errAEReadDenied or telBadProcErr: bad msgProc specified

  127. error -10004 errAEPrivilegeError or telBadHandErr: bad handle specified

  128. error -10003 errAENotModifiable or telBadCAErr: TELCAHandle not found or invalid

  129. error -10002 errAEBadKeyForm or telBadDNErr: TELDNHandle not found or invalid

  130. error -10001 errAETypeError or telBadTermErr: invalid TELHandle or handle not found

  131. error -10000 errAEEventFailed

  132. error -9999 cannotMoveAttachedController

  133. error -9998 controllerHasFixedHeight

  134. error -9997 cannotSetWidthOfAttachedController

  135. error -9996 controllerBoundsNotExact

  136. error -9995 editingNotAllowed

  137. error -9994 badControllerHeight

  138. error -9408 deviceCantMeetRequest

  139. error -9407 seqGrabInfoNotAvailable

  140. error -9406 badSGChannel

  141. error -9405 couldntGetRequiredComponent

  142. error -9404 notEnoughDiskSpaceToGrab

  143. error -9403 notEnoughMemoryToGrab

  144. error -9402 cantDoThatInCurrentMode

  145. error -9401 grabTimeComplete

  146. error -9400 noDeviceForChannel

  147. error -8976 codecNothingToBlitErr

  148. error -8975 codecCantQueueErr

  149. error -8974 codecCantWhenErr

  150. error -8973 codecOpenErr

  151. error -8972 codecConditionErr

  152. error -8971 codecExtensionNotFoundErr

  153. error -8970 codecDataVersErr

  154. error -8969 codecBadDataErr

  155. error -8968 codecWouldOffscreenErr

  156. error -8967 codecAbortErr

  157. error -8966 codecSpoolErr

  158. error -8965 codecImageBufErr

  159. error -8964 codecScreenBufErr

  160. error -8963 codecSizeErr

  161. error -8962 codecUnimpErr

  162. error -8961 noCodecErr

  163. error -8960 codecErr

  164. error -6231 kDMMainDisplayCannotMoveErr: Trying to move main display (or a display mirrored to it) or kDMNoDeviceTableclothErr: obsolete

  165. error -6230 kDMDisplayAlreadyInstalledErr: Attempt to add an already installed display.

  166. error -6229 kDMDisplayNotFoundErr: Could not find item (will someday remove). or kDMNotFoundErr: Could not find item.

  167. error -6228 kDMDriverNotDisplayMgrAwareErr: Video Driver does not support display manager.

  168. error -6227 kDMSWNotInitializedErr: Required software not initialized (eg windowmanager or display mgr).

  169. error -6226 kSysSWTooOld: Missing critical pieces of System Software.

  170. error -6225 kDMMirroringNotOn: Returned by all calls that need mirroring to be on to do their thing.

  171. error -6224 kDMCantBlock: Mirroring is already on canÕt Block now (call DMUnMirror() first).

  172. error -6223 kDMMirroringBlocked: DMBlockMirroring() has been called.

  173. error -6222 kDMWrongNumberOfDisplays: Can only handle 2 displays for now.

  174. error -6221 kDMMirroringOnAlready: Returned by all calls that need mirroring to be off to do their thing.

  175. error -6220 kDMGenErr: Unexpected Error

  176. error -5553 gestaltLocationErr: gestalt function ptr wasn't in sysheap

  177. error -5552 gestaltDupSelectorErr: tried to add an entry that already existed

  178. error -5551 gestaltUndefSelectorErr: undefined selector was passed to Gestalt

  179. error -5550 gestaltUnknownErr: value returned if Gestalt doesn't know the answer

  180. error -5502 envVersTooBig: Version bigger than call can handle

  181. error -5501 envBadVers: Version non-positive

  182. error -5500 envNotPresent: returned by glue.

  183. error -5044 afpInsideTrashErr: the folder being shared is inside the trash folder OR the shared folder is being moved into the trash folder OR the folder is being moved to the trash and it contains a shared folder

  184. error -5043 afpInsideSharedErr: the folder being shared is inside a shared folder OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into a shared folder OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into the descendent of a shared folder.

  185. error -5042 afpPwdExpiredErr: the password being used is too old: this requires the user to change the password before log-in can continue

  186. error -5041 afpPwdTooShortErr: the password being set is too short: there is a minimum length that must be met or exceeded

  187. error -5040 afpPwdSameErr: someone tried to change their password to the same password on a mantadory password change

  188. error -5039 afpBadIDErr

  189. error -5038 afpSameObjectErr

  190. error -5037 afpCatalogChanged

  191. error -5036 afpDiffVolErr

  192. error -5035 afpIDExists

  193. error -5034 afpIDNotFound

  194. error -5033 afpContainsSharedErr: the folder being shared contains a shared folder

  195. error -5032 afpObjectLocked: Object is MRDW inhibited

  196. error -5031 afpVolLocked: Volume is Read-Only

  197. error -5030 afpIconTypeError

  198. error -5029 afpDirNotFound

  199. error -5028 afpCantRename

  200. error -5027 afpServerGoingDown

  201. error -5026 afpTooManyFilesOpen

  202. error -5025 afpObjectTypeErr

  203. error -5024 afpCallNotSupported

  204. error -5023 afpUserNotAuth

  205. error -5022 afpSessClosed

  206. error -5021 afpRangeOverlap

  207. error -5020 afpRangeNotLocked

  208. error -5019 afpParmErr

  209. error -5018 afpObjectNotFound

  210. error -5017 afpObjectExists

  211. error -5016 afpNoServer

  212. error -5015 afpNoMoreLocks

  213. error -5014 afpMiscErr

  214. error -5013 afpLockErr

  215. error -5012 afpItemNotFound

  216. error -5011 afpFlatVol

  217. error -5010 afpFileBusy

  218. error -5009 afpEofError

  219. error -5008 afpDiskFull

  220. error -5007 afpDirNotEmpty

  221. error -5006 afpDenyConflict

  222. error -5005 afpCantMove

  223. error -5004 afpBitmapErr

  224. error -5003 afpBadVersNum

  225. error -5002 afpBadUAM

  226. error -5001 afpAuthContinue

  227. error -5000 afpAccessDenied

  228. error -4009 noHelpForItem

  229. error -4008 badProfileError

  230. error -4007 colorSyncNotInstalled

  231. error -4006 pickerCantLive

  232. error -4005 cantLoadPackage

  233. error -4004 cantCreatePickerWindow

  234. error -4003 cantLoadPicker

  235. error -4002 pickerResourceError

  236. error -4001 requiredFlagsDontMatch

  237. error -4000 invalidPickerType

  238. error -3180 kOTCanceledErr: An outstanding call was canceled.

  239. error -3179 kOTBadSyncErr: A call to Sync was made at non-SystemTask time.

  240. error -3178 kOTProtocolErr: An unspecified protocol error occurred.

  241. error -3177 kOTQFullErr: The maximum number of outstanding indications has been reached for the endpoint.

  242. error -3176 kOTResAddressErr: The address to which this endpoint is bound differs from that of the endpoint that received the connection request; thus, this endpoint cannot accept this connection request.

  243. error -3175 kOTResQLenErr: When this endpoint was bound (see Bind), the qlen parameter was greater than zero. But to accept a connection on an alternate end-point, such as this one, the endpoint must be bound with a qlen parameter equal to zero.

  244. error -3174 kOTProviderMismatchErr: The endpoint that is to accept the connection is not the same kind of endpoint as this one.

  245. error -3173 kOTIndOutErr: There are outstanding connection indications on the endpoint. All other connection indications must be handled either by rejecting them with SndDisconnect, or by accepting them with Accept.

  246. error -3172 kOTAddressBusyErr: The requested address is in use, or this endpoint does not support multiple connections with the same local and remote addresses. This result code indicates that a connection already exists. As a return value for a Bind call, it may also indicate that no dynamic addresses are available for protocols or configuration methods that allow dynamic addressing.

  247. error -3171 kOTBadQLenErr: The argument qlen when the endpoint was bound with Bind was zero.

  248. error -3170 kOTBadNameErr: The endpoint name is invalid.

  249. error -3169 kOTStructureTypeErr: An unsupported structure type was passed in the structType field. This error is also returned when the structType field is inconsistent with the endpoint type.

  250. error -3168 kOTStateChangeErr: The endpoint is undergoing a transient state change. This error is returned when a function call is made while an endpoint is in the process of changing states.

  251. error -3167 kOTNotSupportedErr: This action is not supported by this endpoint.

  252. error -3166 kOTNoReleaseErr: No orderly release indication currently exists on this endpoint.

  253. error -3165 kOTBadFlagErr: An invalid flag was specified.

  254. error -3164 kOTNoUDErrErr: No unit data error indication currently exists on this endpoint.

  255. error -3163 kOTNoDisconnectErr: No disconnect indication is available.

  256. error -3162 kOTNoDataErr: This endpoint is in non-blocking mode, but no data is currently available. It is also returned by LookupName when no names are found.

  257. error -3161 kOTFlowErr: The endpoint is in asynchronous mode, but the flow control mechanism prevents the endpoint from accepting any data at this time.

  258. error -3160 kOTBufferOverflowErr: The number of bytes allocated to hold a result is greater than zero, but not sufficient to store the result.

  259. error -3159 kOTBadDataErr: The amount of client data specified was not within the bounds allowed by the endpoint.

  260. error -3158 kOTLookErr: An asynchronous event has occurred on this endpoint.

  261. error -3156 kOTBadSequenceErr: An invalid sequence number was specified, or a NULL call pointer was specified when rejecting a connection request.

  262. error -3155 kOTOutStateErr: The function was issued in the wrong sequence.

  263. error -3154 kOTNoAddressErr: The endpoint could not allocate an address, or an address was required and not supplied by the client.

  264. error -3153 kOTBadReferenceErr: The specified EndpointRef or TEndpoint* does not refer to a valid endpoint.

  265. error -3152 kOTAccessErr: The user does not have permission to negotiate the specified address or options.

  266. error -3151 kOTBadOptionErr: The specified protocol options were in an incorrect format or contained illegal information.

  267. error -3150 kOTBadAddressErr: The specified protocol address was in an incorrect format or contained illegal information.

  268. error -3109 sktClosedErr

  269. error -3108 recNotFnd

  270. error -3107 atpBadRsp

  271. error -3106 atpLenErr

  272. error -3105 readQErr

  273. error -3104 extractErr

  274. error -3103 ckSumErr

  275. error -3102 noMPPErr

  276. error -3101 buf2SmallErr

  277. error -3032 noPrefAppErr

  278. error -3031 badTranslationSpecErr

  279. error -3030 noTranslationPathErr

  280. error -3026 couldNotParseSourceFileErr: Source document does not contain source type

  281. error -3025 invalidTranslationPathErr: Source type to destination type not a valid path

  282. error -3003 componentDontRegister

  283. error -3002 componentNotCaptured

  284. error -3001 validInstancesExist

  285. error -3000 invalidComponentID

  286. error -2899 fragLastErrCode: ie: an application's main fragment had no entry point - or - an accerated resource had no entry point or it had a termination routine etc...

  287. error -2824 fragInvalidFragmentUsage: fragment targeted for an unacceptable architecture

  288. error -2823 fragArchError: no application found in cfrg (for Process Manager)

  289. error -2822 fragAppNotFound: user intialization routine did not return noErr

  290. error -2821 fragUserInitProcErr: fragment container corrupted (known format)

  291. error -2820 fragCorruptErr: internal inconstistancy

  292. error -2819 fragConstErr: error in initailization of this manager

  293. error -2818 fragMgrInitErr: error connecting to library (error occured in sub prepare)

  294. error -2817 fragLibConnErr: boot library has initialization routine

  295. error -2816 fragInitRtnUsageErr: circularity detected in mandatory initialization order

  296. error -2815 fragInitLoop: import library was too new and therefore incompatible

  297. error -2814 fragImportTooNew: import library was too old and therefore incompatible

  298. error -2813 fragImportTooOld: order error during user initialization function invocation

  299. error -2812 fragObjectInitSeqErr: no more context idÕs

  300. error -2811 fragNoContextIDs: out of memory in user's address space for loadable section

  301. error -2810 fragNoAddrSpace: out of memory for interal bookkeeping

  302. error -2809 fragNoMem: unused

  303. error -2808 fragUnused1: loaded fragment had "hard" unresolved imports

  304. error -2807 fragHadUnresolveds: fragment container format unknown

  305. error -2806 fragFormatUnknown: registered name already in use

  306. error -2805 fragDupRegLibName: library name not found in Frag registry

  307. error -2804 fragLibNotFound: section was not found

  308. error -2803 fragSectionNotFound: symbol was not found in connection

  309. error -2802 fragSymbolNotFound: connecionID was not valid

  310. error -2801 fragConnectionIDNotFound: contextID was not valid

  311. error -2800 fragContextNotFound: CFM error codes

  312. error -2780 errASInconsistentNames

  313. error -2763 errASNoResultReturned

  314. error -2762 errASParameterNotForEvent

  315. error -2761 errASIllegalFormalParameter

  316. error -2760 errASTerminologyNestingTooDeep

  317. error -2721 errASCantCompareMoreThan32k

  318. error -2720 errASCantConsiderAndIgnore

  319. error -2526 mmInternalError: drag was not accepted by receiver

  320. error -2519 tsmUnknownErr: unSupported interface type error

  321. error -2518 tsmUnsupportedTypeErr: script has no imput method or is using old IM

  322. error -2517 tsmScriptHasNoIMErr: returned by GetDefaultInputMethod

  323. error -2516 tsmInputMethodIsOldErr: text service already opened for the document

  324. error -2515 tsmComponentAlreadyOpenErr: text service is not open

  325. error -2514 tsmTSNotOpenErr: the text service has no menu

  326. error -2513 tsmTSHasNoMenuErr: not TSM aware because we are using input window

  327. error -2512 tsmUseInputWindowErr: there are open documents

  328. error -2511 tsmDocumentOpenErr: no text service found

  329. error -2510 tsmTextServiceNotFoundErr: canÕt open the component

  330. error -2509 tsmCantOpenComponentErr: no open text service

  331. error -2508 tsmNoOpenTSErr: document is NOT active

  332. error -2507 tsmDocNotActiveErr: document is still active

  333. error -2506 tsmTSMDocBusyErr: invalid TSM documentation id

  334. error -2505 tsmInvalidDocIDErr: app never registered error (not TSM aware)

  335. error -2504 tsmNeverRegisteredErr: want to register again error

  336. error -2503 tsmAlreadyRegisteredErr: not an application error

  337. error -2502 tsmNotAnAppErr: component result no error

  338. error -2501 tsmInputMethodNotFoundErr

  339. error -2500 tsmUnsupScriptLanguageErr

  340. error -2209 badCallOrderErr: Usually due to a status call being called prior to being setup first

  341. error -2208 noDMAErr: CanÕt do DMA digitizing (i.e. can't go to requested dest

  342. error -2207 badDepthErr: CanÕt digitize into this depth

  343. error -2206 notExactSizeErr: CanÕt do exact size requested

  344. error -2205 noMoreKeyColorsErr: all key indexes in use

  345. error -2204 notExactMatrixErr: warning of bad matrix digitizer did its best

  346. error -2203 matrixErr: bad matrix digitizer did nothing

  347. error -2202 qtParamErr: bad input parameter (out of range etc)

  348. error -2201 digiUnimpErr: feature unimplemented

  349. error -2062 movieTextNotFoundErr

  350. error -2059 samplesAlreadyInMediaErr

  351. error -2058 auxiliaryExportDataUnavailable

  352. error -2057 unsupportedAuxiliaryImportData

  353. error -2056 soundSupportNotAvailableErr: QT for Windows error

  354. error -2055 noSoundTrackInMovieErr: QT for Windows error

  355. error -2054 noVideoTrackInMovieErr: QT for Windows error

  356. error -2053 featureUnsupported

  357. error -2052 couldNotUseAnExistingSample

  358. error -2051 noDefaultDataRef

  359. error -2050 badDataRefIndex

  360. error -2049 invalidDataRefContainer

  361. error -2048 noMovieFound

  362. error -2047 dataNoDataRef

  363. error -2046 endOfDataReached

  364. error -2045 dataAlreadyClosed

  365. error -2044 dataAlreadyOpenForWrite

  366. error -2043 dataNotOpenForWrite

  367. error -2042 dataNotOpenForRead

  368. error -2041 invalidSampleDescription

  369. error -2040 invalidChunkCache

  370. error -2039 invalidSampleDescIndex

  371. error -2038 invalidChunkNum

  372. error -2037 invalidSampleNum

  373. error -2036 invalidRect

  374. error -2035 cantEnableTrack

  375. error -2034 internalQuickTimeError

  376. error -2033 badEditIndex

  377. error -2032 timeNotInMedia

  378. error -2031 timeNotInTrack

  379. error -2030 trackNotInMovie

  380. error -2029 trackIDNotFound

  381. error -2028 badTrackIndex

  382. error -2027 maxSizeToGrowTooSmall

  383. error -2026 userDataItemNotFound

  384. error -2025 staleEditState

  385. error -2024 nonMatchingEditState

  386. error -2023 invalidEditState

  387. error -2022 cantCreateSingleForkFile: happens when file already exists

  388. error -2021 wfFileNotFound

  389. error -2020 movieToolboxUninitialized

  390. error -2019 progressProcAborted

  391. error -2018 mediaTypesDontMatch

  392. error -2017 badEditList

  393. error -2016 cantPutPublicMovieAtom

  394. error -2015 invalidTime

  395. error -2014 invalidDuration

  396. error -2013 invalidHandler

  397. error -2012 invalidDataRef

  398. error -2011 invalidSampleTable

  399. error -2010 invalidMovie

  400. error -2009 invalidTrack

  401. error -2008 invalidMedia

  402. error -2007 noDataHandler

  403. error -2006 noMediaHandler

  404. error -2005 badComponentType

  405. error -2004 cantOpenHandler

  406. error -2003 cantFindHandler

  407. error -2002 badPublicMovieAtom

  408. error -2001 badImageDescription

  409. error -2000 couldNotResolveDataRef

  410. error -1857 dragNotAcceptedErr: handler not found

  411. error -1856 handlerNotFoundErr: handler already exists

  412. error -1855 duplicateHandlerErr: error while trying to get flavor data

  413. error -1854 cantGetFlavorErr: flavor type already exists

  414. error -1853 duplicateFlavorErr: unknown flavor type

  415. error -1852 badDragFlavorErr: unknown drag item reference

  416. error -1851 badDragItemErr: unknown drag reference

  417. error -1850 badDragRefErr: Drag Manager error codes

  418. error -1813 errEndOfBody

  419. error -1812 errEndOfDocument

  420. error -1811 errTopOfBody

  421. error -1810 errTopOfDocument

  422. error -1801 errOffsetIsOutsideOfView

  423. error -1800 errOffsetInvalid

  424. error -1762 errOSACantOpenComponent: Can't connect to scripting system with that ID

  425. error -1761 errOSAComponentMismatch: Parameters are from 2 different components

  426. error -1759 errOSADataFormatTooNew

  427. error -1758 errOSADataFormatObsolete

  428. error -1757 errOSANoSuchDialect

  429. error -1756 errOSASourceNotAvailable

  430. error -1754 errOSABadSelector

  431. error -1753 errOSAScriptError

  432. error -1752 errOSABadStorageType

  433. error -1751 errOSAInvalidID

  434. error -1750 errOSASystemError

  435. error -1732 errAERecordingIsAlreadyOn: available only in version 1.0.1 or greater

  436. error -1731 errAEUnknownObjectType: available only in version 1.0.1 or greater

  437. error -1730 errAEEmptyListContainer: Attempt to pass empty list as container to accessor

  438. error -1729 errAENegativeCount: CountProc returned negative value

  439. error -1728 errAENoSuchObject: e.g.: specifier asked for the 3rd but there are only 2. Basically this indicates a run-time resolution error.

  440. error -1727 errAENotAnObjSpec: Param to AEResolve not of type 'obj '

  441. error -1726 errAEBadTestKey: Test is neither typeLogicalDescriptor nor typeCompDescriptor

  442. error -1725 errAENoSuchLogical: Something other than AND OR or NOT

  443. error -1723 errAEAccessorNotFound: Accessor proc matching wantClass and containerType or wildcards not found

  444. error -1721 errAEWrongNumberArgs: Logical op kAENOT used with other than 1 term

  445. error -1720 errAEImpossibleRange: A range like 3rd to 2nd or 1st to all.

  446. error -1719 errAEIllegalIndex: index is out of range in a put operation

  447. error -1718 errAEReplyNotArrived: the contents of the reply you are accessing have not arrived yet

  448. error -1717 errAEHandlerNotFound: no handler in the dispatch tables fits the parameters to AEGetEventHandler or AEGetCoercionHandler

  449. error -1716 errAEUnknownAddressType: the target address type is not known

  450. error -1715 errAEParamMissed: a required parameter was not accessed

  451. error -1714 errAENotASpecialFunction: there is no special function forwith this keyword

  452. error -1713 errAENoUserInteraction: no user interaction is allowed

  453. error -1712 errAETimeout: the AppleEvent timed out

  454. error -1711 errAEWaitCanceled: in AESend the user cancelled out of wait loop for reply or receipt

  455. error -1710 errAEUnknownSendMode: mode wasn't NoReply WaitReply or QueueReply or Interaction level is unknown

  456. error -1709 errAEReplyNotValid: AEResetTimer was passed an invalid reply parameter

  457. error -1708 errAEEventNotHandled: the AppleEvent was not handled by any handler

  458. error -1707 errAENotAppleEvent: the event is not in AppleEvent format

  459. error -1706 errAENewerVersion: need newer version of the AppleEvent manager

  460. error -1705 errAEBadListItem: the specified list item does not exist

  461. error -1704 errAENotAEDesc

  462. error -1703 errAEWrongDataType

  463. error -1702 errAECorruptData

  464. error -1701 errAEDescNotFound

  465. error -1700 errAECoercionFail: bad parameter data or unable to coerce the data supplied

  466. error -1310 fsDataTooBigErr: file or volume is too big for system

  467. error -1309 fileBoundsErr: file's EOF offset mark or size is too big

  468. error -1308 notARemountErr: when _Mount allows only remounts and doesn't get one

  469. error -1307 badFidErr: file id is dangling or doesn't match with the file number

  470. error -1306 sameFileErr: can't exchange a file with itself

  471. error -1305 desktopDamagedErr: desktop database files are corrupted

  472. error -1304 catChangedErr: the catalog has been modified

  473. error -1303 diffVolErr: files on different volumes

  474. error -1302 notAFileErr: directory specified

  475. error -1301 fidExists: file id already exists

  476. error -1300 fidNotFound: no file thread exists.

  477. error -1280 errRefNum: bad connection refNum

  478. error -1279 errAborted: control call was aborted

  479. error -1278 errState: bad connection state for this operation

  480. error -1277 errOpening: open connection request failed

  481. error -1276 errAttention: attention message too long

  482. error -1275 errFwdReset: read terminated by forward reset

  483. error -1274 errDSPQueueSize: DSP ReadWrite Queue Too small

  484. error -1273 errOpenDenied: open connection request was denied

  485. error -1105 reqAborted

  486. error -1104 noDataArea

  487. error -1103 noSendResp

  488. error -1102 cbNotFound

  489. error -1101 noRelErr

  490. error -1100 badBuffNum

  491. error -1099 badATPSkt

  492. error -1098 tooManySkts

  493. error -1097 tooManyReqs

  494. error -1096 reqFailed

  495. error -1075 aspNoAck: No ack on attention request (server err)

  496. error -1074 aspTooMany: Too many clients (server error)

  497. error -1073 aspSizeErr: Command block too big

  498. error -1072 aspSessClosed: Session closed

  499. error -1071 aspServerBusy: Server cannot open another session

  500. error -1070 aspParamErr: Parameter error

  501. error -1069 aspNoServers: No servers at that address

  502. error -1068 aspNoMoreSess: No more sessions on server

  503. error -1067 aspBufTooSmall: Buffer too small

  504. error -1066 aspBadVersNum: Server cannot support this ASP version

  505. error -1029 nbpNISErr: Error trying to open the NIS

  506. error -1028 nbpNotFound: Name not found on remove

  507. error -1027 nbpDuplicate: Duplicate name exists already

  508. error -1026 nbpConfDiff: Name confirmed at different socket

  509. error -1025 nbpNoConfirm

  510. error -1024 nbpBuffOvr: Buffer overflow in LookupName

  511. error -1000 noMaskFoundErr: Icon Utilties Error

  512. error -932 guestNotAllowedErr: destination port requires authentication

  513. error -931 badLocNameErr: location name malformed

  514. error -930 badServiceMethodErr: illegal service type or not supported

  515. error -928 noUserRecErr: Invalid user reference number

  516. error -927 authFailErr: unable to authenticate user at destination

  517. error -926 noInformErr: PPCStart failed because destination did not have inform pending

  518. error -925 networkErr: An error has occured in the network not too likely

  519. error -924 noUserRefErr: unable to create a new userRefNum

  520. error -923 notLoggedInErr: The default userRefNum does not yet exist

  521. error -922 noDefaultUserErr: user hasn't typed in owners name in Network Setup Control Pannel

  522. error -919 badPortNameErr: PPCPortRec malformed

  523. error -917 sessClosedErr: session was closed

  524. error -916 portClosedErr: port was closed

  525. error -915 noResponseErr: unable to contact destination

  526. error -914 noToolboxNameErr: A system resource is missing not too likely

  527. error -913 noMachineNameErr: user hasn't named his Macintosh in the Network Setup Control Panel

  528. error -912 userRejectErr: Destination rejected the session request

  529. error -911 noUserNameErr: user name unknown on destination machine

  530. error -910 portNameExistsErr: port is already open (perhaps in another app)

  531. error -909 badReqErr: bad parameter or invalid state for operation

  532. error -908 noSessionErr: Invalid session reference number

  533. error -907 sessTableErr: Out of session tables try again later

  534. error -906 destPortErr: Port does not exist at destination

  535. error -905 localOnlyErr: Network activity is currently disabled

  536. error -904 noGlobalsErr: The system is hosed better re-boot

  537. error -903 noPortErr: Unable to open port or bad portRefNum

  538. error -902 nameTypeErr: Invalid or inappropriate locationKindSelector in locationName

  539. error -900 notInitErr: PPCToolBox not initialized

  540. error -863 hmCloseViewActive: Returned from HMRemoveBalloon if CloseView was active

  541. error -862 hmNoBalloonUp: Returned from HMRemoveBalloon if no balloon was visible when call was made

  542. error -861 hmOperationUnsupported: Returned from HMShowBalloon call if bad method passed to routine

  543. error -859 hmUnknownHelpType: Returned if help msg record contained a bad type

  544. error -858 hmWrongVersion: Returned if help mgr resource was the wrong version

  545. error -857 hmSkippedBalloon: Returned from calls if helpmsg specified a skip balloon

  546. error -855 hmHelpManagerNotInited: Returned from HMGetHelpMenuHandle if help menu not setup

  547. error -854 hmSameAsLastBalloon: Returned from HMShowMenuBalloon if menu & item is same as last time

  548. error -853 hmBalloonAborted: Returned if mouse was moving or mouse wasn't in window port rect

  549. error -850 hmHelpDisabled: Show Balloons mode was off call to routine ignored

  550. error -813 rcDBPackNotInited: incompatible versions

  551. error -812 rcDBWrongVersion: no app handler for specified data type

  552. error -811 rcDBNoHandler: tried to kill a bad pb

  553. error -810 rcDBBadAsyncPB: ddev does not support async calls

  554. error -809 rcDBAsyncNotSupp: bad ddev specified on DBInit

  555. error -808 rcDBBadDDEV: bad session number for DBGetConnInfo

  556. error -807 rcDBBadSessNum: Database access error codes

  557. error -806 rcDBBadSessID

  558. error -805 rcDBExec

  559. error -804 rcDBBreak

  560. error -803 rcDBBadType

  561. error -802 rcDBError

  562. error -801 rcDBValue

  563. error -800 rcDBNull

  564. error -626 noMMUErr: no MMU present

  565. error -625 cannotDeferErr: unable to defer additional functions

  566. error -624 interruptsMaskedErr: donÕt call with interrupts masked

  567. error -623 notLockedErr: specified range of memory is not locked

  568. error -622 cannotMakeContiguousErr: cannot make specified range contiguous

  569. error -621 notHeldErr: specified range of memory is not held

  570. error -620 notEnoughMemoryErr: insufficient physical memory

  571. error -619 threadProtocolErr

  572. error -618 threadNotFoundErr

  573. error -617 threadTooManyReqsErr

  574. error -610 noUserInteractionAllowed: no user interaction allowed

  575. error -609 connectionInvalid

  576. error -608 noOutstandingHLE

  577. error -607 bufferIsSmall: error returns from Post and Accept

  578. error -606 appIsDaemon: app is BG-only and launch flags disallow this

  579. error -605 appMemFullErr: application SIZE not big enough for launch

  580. error -604 hardwareConfigErr: hardware configuration not correct for call

  581. error -603 protocolErr: app made module calls in improper order

  582. error -602 appModeErr: memory mode is 32-bit but app not 32-bit clean

  583. error -601 memFragErr: not enough room to launch app wspecial requirements

  584. error -600 procNotFound: no eligible process with specified descriptor

  585. error -502 hwParamErr: bad selector for _HWPriv

  586. error -501 teScrapSizeErr: scrap item too big for text edit record

  587. error -500 rgnTooBigErr

  588. error -492 exUserBreak: user debugger break; execute debugger commands on stack

  589. error -491 strUserBreak: user debugger break; display string on stack

  590. error -490 userBreak: user debugger break

  591. error -463 notThePublisherWrn: not the first registered publisher for that container

  592. error -462 containerAlreadyOpenWrn: container already opened by this section

  593. error -461 containerNotFoundWrn: could not find editionContainer at this time

  594. error -460 multiplePublisherWrn: A Publisher is already registered for that container

  595. error -454 badSubPartErr: can not use sub parts in this release

  596. error -453 badEditionFileErr: edition file is corrupt

  597. error -452 notRegisteredSectionErr: not a registered SectionRecord

  598. error -451 badSectionErr: not a valid SectionRecord

  599. error -450 editionMgrInitErr: edition manager not inited by this app

  600. error -417 btKeyAttrErr: There is no such a key attribute.

  601. error -416 btKeyLenErr: Maximum key length is too long or equal to zero.

  602. error -415 btRecNotFnd: Record cannot be found.

  603. error -414 btDupRecErr: Record already exists.

  604. error -413 btNoSpace: Can't allocate disk space.

  605. error -410 notBTree: The file is not a dictionary.

  606. error -400 gcrOnMFMErr: gcr format on high density media error

  607. error -360 slotNumErr: invalid slot # error

  608. error -351 smRecNotFnd: Record not found in the SRT.

  609. error -350 smSRTOvrFlErr: SRT over flow.

  610. error -349 smNoGoodOpens: No opens were successfull in the loop.

  611. error -348 smOffsetErr: Offset was too big (temporary error

  612. error -347 smByteLanesErr: NumByteLanes was determined to be zero.

  613. error -346 smBadsPtrErr: Bad pointer was passed to sCalcsPointer

  614. error -345 smsGetDrvrErr: Error occurred during _sGetDriver.

  615. error -344 smNoMoresRsrcs: No more sResources

  616. error -343 smDisDrvrNamErr: Error occured during _sDisDrvrName.

  617. error -342 smGetDrvrNamErr: Error occured during _sGetDrvrName.

  618. error -341 smCkStatusErr: Status of slot fail.

  619. error -340 smBlkMoveErr: _BlockMove error

  620. error -339 smNewPErr: _NewPtr error

  621. error -338 smSelOOBErr: Selector out of bounds error

  622. error -337 smSlotOOBErr: Slot out of bounds error

  623. error -336 smNilsBlockErr: Nil sBlock error (Dont allocate and try to use a nil sBlock)

  624. error -335 smsPointerNil: LPointer is nil From sOffsetData. If this error occurs; check sInfo rec for more information.

  625. error -334 smCPUErr: Code revision is wrong

  626. error -333 smCodeRevErr: Code revision is wrong

  627. error -332 smReservedErr: Reserved field not zero

  628. error -331 smBadsList: Bad sList: Id1 < Id2 < Id3 ...format is not followed.

  629. error -330 smBadRefId: Reference Id not found in List

  630. error -320 smBusErrTO: BusError time out.

  631. error -319 smBadBoardId: BoardId was wrong; re-init the PRAM record.

  632. error -318 smNoJmpTbl: SDM jump table could not be created. or smReservedSlot: slot is reserved VM should not use this address space.

  633. error -317 smInitTblVErr: An error occured while trying to initialize the Slot Resource Table.

  634. error -316 smInitStatVErr: The InitStatusV field was negative after primary or secondary init.

  635. error -315 smNoBoardId: No Board Id.

  636. error -314 smGetPRErr: Error occured during _sGetPRAMRec (See SIMStatus).

  637. error -313 smNoBoardSRsrc: No Board sResource.

  638. error -312 smDisposePErr: _DisposePointer error

  639. error -311 smFHBlkDispErr: Error occured during _sDisposePtr (Dispose of FHeader block).

  640. error -310 smFHBlockRdErr: Error occured during _sGetFHeader.

  641. error -309 smBLFieldBad: ByteLanes field was bad.

  642. error -308 smUnExBusErr: Unexpected BusError

  643. error -307 smResrvErr: Fatal reserved error. Resreved field <> 0.

  644. error -306 smNosInfoArray: No sInfoArray. Memory Mgr error.

  645. error -305 smDisabledSlot: This slot is disabled (-305 use to be smLWTstBad)

  646. error -304 smNoDir: Directory offset is Nil

  647. error -303 smRevisionErr: Wrong revison level

  648. error -302 smFormatErr: FHeader Format is not Apple's

  649. error -301 smCRCFail: CRC check failed for declaration data

  650. error -300 smEmptySlot: No card in slot

  651. error -299 nmTypErr: wrong queue type

  652. error -293 smPriInitErr: Error; Cards could not be initialized.

  653. error -292 smPRAMInitErr: Error; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.

  654. error -291 smSRTInitErr: Error; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.

  655. error -290 smSDMInitErr: Error; SDM could not be initialized.

  656. error -261 midiInvalidCmdErr: command not supported for port type

  657. error -260 midiDupIDErr: duplicate client ID

  658. error -259 midiNameLenErr: name supplied is longer than 31 characters

  659. error -258 midiWriteErr: MIDIWritePacket couldn't write to all connected ports

  660. error -257 midiNoConErr: no connection exists between specified ports

  661. error -256 midiVConnectRmvd: pending virtual connection removed

  662. error -255 midiVConnectMade: pending virtual connection resolved

  663. error -254 midiVConnectErr: pending virtual connection created

  664. error -253 midiTooManyConsErr: too many connections made

  665. error -252 midiTooManyPortsErr: too many ports already installed in the system

  666. error -251 midiNoPortErr: no port with that ID found

  667. error -250 midiNoClientErr: no client with that ID found

  668. error -247 badInputText

  669. error -246 badDictFormat

  670. error -245 incompatibleVoice

  671. error -244 voiceNotFound

  672. error -243 bufTooSmall

  673. error -242 synthNotReady

  674. error -241 synthOpenFailed

  675. error -240 noSynthFound

  676. error -232 siUnknownQuality: invalid quality selector (returned by driver)

  677. error -231 siUnknownInfoType: invalid info type selector (returned by driver)

  678. error -230 siInputDeviceErr: input device hardware failure

  679. error -229 siBadRefNum: invalid input device reference number

  680. error -228 siBadDeviceName: input device could not be opened

  681. error -227 siDeviceBusyErr: input device already in use

  682. error -226 siInvalidSampleSize: invalid sample size

  683. error -225 siInvalidSampleRate: invalid sample rate

  684. error -224 siHardDriveTooSlow: hard drive too slow to record to disk

  685. error -223 siInvalidCompression: invalid compression type

  686. error -222 siNoBufferSpecified: returned by synchronous SPBRecord if nil buffer passed

  687. error -221 siBadSoundInDevice: invalid index passed to SoundInGetIndexedDevice

  688. error -220 siNoSoundInHardware: no Sound Input hardware

  689. error -212 noMoreRealTime: not enough CPU cycles left to add another task

  690. error -211 channelNotBusy

  691. error -210 buffersTooSmall: can not operate in the memory allowed

  692. error -209 channelBusy: the Channel is being used for a PFD already

  693. error -208 badFileFormat: was not type AIFF or was of bad formatcorrupt

  694. error -207 notEnoughBufferSpace: could not allocate enough memory

  695. error -206 badFormat: Sound Manager Error Returns

  696. error -205 badChannel: Sound Manager Error Returns

  697. error -204 resProblem: Sound Manager Error Returns

  698. error -203 queueFull: Sound Manager Error Returns

  699. error -201 notEnoughHardwareErr: Sound Manager Error Returns

  700. error -200 noHardwareErr: Sound Manager Error Returns

  701. error -199 mapReadErr: map inconsistent with operation

  702. error -198 resAttrErr: attribute inconsistent with operation

  703. error -197 rmvRefFailed: RmveReference failed

  704. error -196 rmvResFailed: RmveResource failed

  705. error -195 addRefFailed: AddReference failed

  706. error -194 addResFailed: AddResource failed

  707. error -193 resFNotFound: Resource file not found

  708. error -192 resNotFound: Resource not found

  709. error -190 inputOutOfBounds: Offset of Count out of bounds

  710. error -189 writingPastEnd: Writing past end of file

  711. error -188 resourceInMemory: Resource already in memory

  712. error -186 CantDecompress: resource bent ("the bends") - can't decompress a compressed resource

  713. error -185 badExtResource: extended resource has a bad format.

  714. error -157 cDepthErr: invalid pixel depth

  715. error -156 cResErr: invalid resolution for MakeITable

  716. error -155 cDevErr: invalid type of graphics device

  717. error -154 cProtectErr: colorTable entry protection violation

  718. error -153 cRangeErr: range error on colorTable request

  719. error -152 cNoMemErr: failed to allocate memory for structure

  720. error -151 cTempMemErr: failed to allocate memory for temporary structures

  721. error -150 cMatchErr: Color2Index failed to find an index

  722. error -149 insufficientStackErr or nsStackErr

  723. error -148 pixMapTooDeepErr

  724. error -147 rgnOverflowErr or rgnTooBigError

  725. error -145 noMemForPictPlaybackErr

  726. error -128 userCanceledErr

  727. error -127 hMenuFindErr: could not find HMenu's parent in MenuKey

  728. error -126 mBarNFnd: system error code for MBDF not found

  729. error -125 updPixMemErr: insufficient memory to update a pixmap

  730. error -124 volGoneErr: Server volume has been disconnected.

  731. error -123 wrgVolTypErr: Wrong volume type error [operation not supported for MFS]

  732. error -122 badMovErr: Move into offspring error

  733. error -121 tmwdoErr: No free WDCB available

  734. error -120 dirNFErr: Directory not found

  735. error -117 memLockedErr: trying to move a locked block (MoveHHi)

  736. error -116 memSCErr: Size Check failed

  737. error -115 memBCErr: Block Check failed

  738. error -114 memPCErr: Pointer Check failed

  739. error -113 memAZErr: Address in zone check failed

  740. error -112 memPurErr: trying to purge a locked or non-purgeable block

  741. error -111 memWZErr: WhichZone failed (applied to free block)

  742. error -110 memAdrErr: address was odd; or out of range

  743. error -109 nilHandleErr: Master Pointer was NIL in HandleZone or other

  744. error -108 iMemFullErr or memFullErr: Not enough room in heap zone

  745. error -102 noTypeErr: No object of that type in scrap

  746. error -100 noScrapErr: No scrap exists error

  747. error -99 memROZWarn: soft error in ROZ or memROZError: hard error in ROZ or memROZErr: hard error in ROZ

  748. error -98 portNotCf: driver Open error code (parameter RAM not configured for this connection)

  749. error -97 portInUse: driver Open error code (port is in use)

  750. error -96 portNotPwr: serial port not currently powered

  751. error -95 excessCollsns: excessive collisions on write

  752. error -94 lapProtErr: error in attachingdetaching protocol

  753. error -93 noBridgeErr: no network bridge for non-local send

  754. error -92 ddpLenErr: data length too big or eLenErr: ENET error codes

  755. error -91 ddpSktErr: error in soket number or eMultiErr: Length error ddpLenErr

  756. error -90 breakRecd: Break received (SCC)

  757. error -89 rcvrErr: SCC receiver error (framing; parity; OR)

  758. error -88 prInitErr: InitUtil found the parameter ram uninitialized

  759. error -87 prWrErr: parameter ram written didn't read-verify

  760. error -86 clkWrErr: time written did not verify

  761. error -85 clkRdErr: unable to read same clock value twice

  762. error -84 firstDskErr: IO System Errors or verErr: track failed to verify

  763. error -83 fmt2Err: can't get enough sync

  764. error -82 fmt1Err: can't find sector 0 after track format

  765. error -81 sectNFErr: sector number never found on a track

  766. error -80 seekErr: track number wrong on address mark

  767. error -79 spdAdjErr: unable to correctly adjust disk speed

  768. error -78 twoSideErr: tried to read 2nd side on a 1-sided drive

  769. error -77 initIWMErr: unable to initialize IWM

  770. error -76 tk0BadErr: track 0 detect doesn't change

  771. error -75 cantStepErr: step handshake failed

  772. error -74 wrUnderrun: write underrun occurred

  773. error -73 badDBtSlp: bad data mark bit slip nibbles

  774. error -72 badDCksum: bad data mark checksum

  775. error -71 noDtaMkErr: couldn't find a data mark header

  776. error -70 badBtSlpErr: bad addr mark bit slip nibbles

  777. error -69 badCksmErr: addr mark checksum didn't check

  778. error -68 dataVerErr: read verify compare failed

  779. error -67 noAdrMkErr: couldn't find valid addr mark

  780. error -66 fontSubErr: font substitution occured or noNybErr: couldn't find 5 nybbles in 200 tries

  781. error -65 fontNotDeclared: font not declared or offLinErr: rw requested for an off-line drive

  782. error -64 fontDecError: error during font declaration or lastDskErr: IO System Errors or noDriveErr: drive not installed

  783. error -61 wrPermErr: write permissions error

  784. error -60 badMDBErr: bad master directory block

  785. error -59 fsRnErr: file system internal error:during rename the old entry was deleted but could not be restored.

  786. error -58 extFSErr: volume in question belongs to an external fs

  787. error -57 noMacDskErr: not a mac diskette (sig bytes are wrong)

  788. error -56 nsDrvErr: no such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num)

  789. error -55 volOnLinErr: drive volume already on-line at MountVol

  790. error -54 permErr: permissions error (on file open)

  791. error -53 volOffLinErr: volume not on line error (was Ejected)

  792. error -52 gfpErr: get file position error

  793. error -51 rfNumErr: refnum error

  794. error -50 paramErr: error in user parameter list

  795. error -49 opWrErr: file already open with with write permission

  796. error -48 dupFNErr: duplicate filename (rename)

  797. error -47 fBsyErr: File is busy (delete)

  798. error -46 vLckdErr: volume is locked

  799. error -45 fLckdErr: file is locked

  800. error -44 wPrErr: diskette is write protected.

  801. error -43 fnfErr: File not found

  802. error -42 tmfoErr: too many files open

  803. error -41 mFulErr: memory full (open) or file won't fit (load)

  804. error -40 posErr: tried to position to before start of file (rw)

  805. error -39 eofErr: End of file

  806. error -38 fnOpnErr: File not open

  807. error -37 bdNamErr: there may be no bad names in the final system!

  808. error -36 ioErr: IO error (bummers)

  809. error -35 nsvErr: no such volume

  810. error -34 dskFulErr: disk full

  811. error -33 dirFulErr: Directory full

  812. error -30 dceExtErr: dce extension error

  813. error -29 unitTblFullErr: unit table has no more entries

  814. error -28 notOpenErr: Couldn't rdwrctlsts cause driver not opened

  815. error -27 abortErr: IO call aborted by KillIO or iIOAbortErr: IO abort error (Printing Manager) or iIOAbort

  816. error -26 dInstErr: DrvrInstall couldn't find driver in resources

  817. error -25 dRemovErr: tried to remove an open driver

  818. error -24 closErr: IO System Errors

  819. error -23 openErr: IO System Errors

  820. error -22 unitEmptyErr: IO System Errors

  821. error -21 badUnitErr: IO System Errors

  822. error -20 writErr: IO System Errors

  823. error -19 readErr: IO System Errors

  824. error -18 statusErr: IO System Errors

  825. error -17 controlErr: IO System Errors

  826. error -13 dsExtensionsDisabled: say ÒExtensions DisabledÓ

  827. error -12 dsHD20Installed: say ÒHD20 StartupÓ

  828. error -11 dsDisassemblerInstalled: say ÒDisassembler InstalledÓ

  829. error -10 dsMacsBugInstalled: say ÒMacsBug InstalledÓ

  830. error -8 seNoDB: no debugger installed to handle debugger command

  831. error -5 SlpTypeErr: invalid queue element

  832. error -4 unimpErr: unimplemented core routine

  833. error -3 corErr: core routine number out of range

  834. error -2 vTypErr: invalid queue element

  835. error -1 qErr: queue element not found during deletion or telGenericError

  836. error errAECorruptData errOSACorruptData

  837. error dsCDEFNotFound CDEFNFnd

  838. error dsWDEFNotFound WDEFNFnd

  839. error noHardwareErr noHardware: obsolete spelling

  840. error errAERecordingIsAlreadyOn errOSARecordingIsAlreadyOn

  841. error notEnoughHardwareErr notEnoughHardware: obsolete spelling

  842. error movieToolboxUninitialized noRecordOfApp: replica

  843. error 1 evtNotEnb: event not enabled at PostEvent or siInitSDTblErr: slot int dispatch table could not be initialized. or dsBusError: bus error

  844. error 2 siInitVBLQsErr: VBLqueues for all slots could not be initialized. or dsAddressErr: address error

  845. error 3 siInitSPTblErr: slot priority table could not be initialized. or dsIllInstErr: illegal instruction error

  846. error 4 dsZeroDivErr: zero divide error

  847. error 5 dsChkErr: check trap error

  848. error 6 dsOvflowErr: overflow trap error

  849. error 7 dsPrivErr: privilege violation error

  850. error 8 telNoTools: no telephone tools found in extension folder or dsTraceErr: trace mode error

  851. error 9 dsLineAErr: line 1010 trap error

  852. error 10 sdmJTInitErr: SDM Jump Table could not be initialized. or dsLineFErr: line 1111 trap error

  853. error 11 sdmInitErr: SDM could not be initialized. or dsMiscErr: miscellaneous hardware exception error

  854. error 12 sdmSRTInitErr: Slot Resource Table could not be initialized. or dsCoreErr: unimplemented core routine error

  855. error 13 sdmPRAMInitErr: Slot PRAM could not be initialized. or dsIrqErr: uninstalled interrupt error

  856. error 14 sdmPriInitErr: Cards could not be initialized. or dsIOCoreErr: IO Core Error

  857. error 15 dsLoadErr: Segment Loader Error

  858. error 16 dsFPErr: Floating point error

  859. error 17 dsNoPackErr: package 0 not present

  860. error 18 dsNoPk1: package 1 not present

  861. error 19 dsNoPk2: package 2 not present

  862. error 20 dsNoPk3: package 3 not present

  863. error 21 dsNoPk4: package 4 not present

  864. error 22 dsNoPk5: package 5 not present

  865. error 23 dsNoPk6: package 6 not present

  866. error 24 dsNoPk7: package 7 not present

  867. error 25 dsMemFullErr: out of memory!

  868. error 26 dsBadLaunch: can't launch file

  869. error 27 dsFSErr: file system map has been trashed

  870. error 28 dsStknHeap: stack has moved into application heap

  871. error 30 dsReinsert: request user to reinsert off-line volume

  872. error 31 dsNotThe1: not the disk I wanted

  873. error 33 negZcbFreeErr: ZcbFree has gone negative

  874. error 40 dsGreeting: welcome to Macintosh greeting

  875. error 41 dsFinderErr: can't load the Finder error

  876. error 42 shutDownAlert: handled like a shutdown error or dsBadStartupDisk: unable to mount boot volume (sad Mac only)

  877. error 43 dsSystemFileErr: canÕt find System file to open (sad Mac only)

  878. error 51 dsBadSlotInt: unserviceable slot interrupt

  879. error 81 dsBadSANEOpcode: bad opcode given to SANE Pack4

  880. error 83 dsBadPatchHeader: SetTrapAddress saw the Òcome-fromÓ header

  881. error 84 menuPrgErr: happens when a menu is purged

  882. error 85 dsMBarNFnd: Menu Manager Errors

  883. error 86 dsHMenuFindErr: Menu Manager Errors

  884. error 87 dsWDEFNotFound: could not load WDEF

  885. error 88 dsCDEFNotFound: could not load CDEF

  886. error 89 dsMDEFNotFound: could not load MDEF

  887. error 90 dsNoFPU: an FPU instruction was executed and the machine doesnÕt have one

  888. error 98 dsNoPatch: Can't patch for particular Model Mac

  889. error 99 dsBadPatch: Can't load patch resource

  890. error 101 dsParityErr: memory parity error

  891. error 102 dsOldSystem: System is too old for this ROM

  892. error 103 ds32BitMode: booting in 32-bit on a 24-bit sys

  893. error 104 dsNeedToWriteBootBlocks: need to write new boot blocks

  894. error 105 dsNotEnoughRAMToBoot: must have at least 1.5MB of RAM to boot 7.0

  895. error 106 dsBufPtrTooLow: bufPtr moved too far during boot

  896. error 1010 dsBadLibrary: DS Errors which are specific to the new runtime model introduced with PowerPC

  897. error 1011 dsMixedModeFailure: Bad shared library

  898. error 20000 dsShutDownOrRestart: user choice between ShutDown and Restart

  899. error 20001 dsSwitchOffOrRestart: user choice between switching off and Restart

  900. error 20002 dsForcedQuit: allow the user to ExitToShell return if Cancel

  901. error 20003 dsRemoveDisk: request user to remove disk from manual eject drive

  902. error 20004 dsDirtyDisk: request user to return a manually-ejected dirty disk

  903. error 20010 dsSCSIWarn: Portable SCSI adapter warning.

  904. error 20109 dsShutDownOrResume: allow user to return to Finder or ShutDown

  905. error 32767 dsSysErr: general system error

2020年8月7日 星期五

如何提高網站在微軟搜尋引擎Bing 上面的搜尋

  1. 主要可以從微軟的網站管理工具webmaster 去登錄你的網站 https://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster
  2. 通常會要你進行驗證,一般來說需要證明你對網站有控制權,所以驗證方式有下列三種
    ** 在網站下面放指定的檔案
    ** 在網站header 裡塞可以辨認的文字
    ** 在域名(DNS)上按照指示設定特定的別名(cname)
  3. 驗證過後,就可以開始透過上傳你的網站地圖,如果不知道如何產生妳的網站地圖,可以透過下列的工具幫你產生,通常網站地圖,只是讓搜尋引擎知道如何去搜尋你網站的資料,並沒有什麼高深的技術在裡面
  4. https://www.labnol.org/blogger/sitemap/

2020年8月6日 星期四


讓我想到以前 前副總統呂秀蓮女士講過的一句話,李遠哲搞科學的,讓他去搞政治做行政院長,她學政治的,叫他去管國科會,總觀現在民進黨的用人邏輯,像極了白手起家的土炮執行長,純粹只想把自己人塞到特定位置上,根本不管能不能勝任,也因為這樣,吸引到的人才,都是這種無能卻有(野)心的人才

Apple市值逼近2兆美元 佔S&P 500指數權重破紀錄

S&P 500 已經達到6.5% 占比,超越35年前IBM 所創的紀錄,這件事跟人們財富累積累似,第一桶金累積很困難,但第二桶就來得很快,真是一個錢滾錢的時代,大者恆大,富者越富

2020年8月5日 星期三

*_ 代表 可以在python被忽略的參數,屬於python idiom

*_ 代表 可以在python被忽略的參數,屬於python idiom

例如實務上遇到要把string用=分隔成兩個參數,但卻有可能遇到分割的數目不同,這時候就可以使用 *_ 變數 +[None] 來處理這類問題,避免遇到Error
key ,value, *_=string.split("=")+ [None]

# 今日头条 CEO 张一鸣 (抖音TikTok創辦人):面试了 2000 个年轻人,混得好的都有这 5 种特质

转载声明:本文转自微信公众号「互联网思维」,今日头条 CEO 张一鸣:面试了 2000 个年轻人,混得好的都有这 5 种特质



  张一鸣算是 80 后中绝对的佼佼者。1983 年出生的张一鸣 ,在 2005 年从南开大学毕业后,至今参与创办了 5 家公司,2013 年,他先后入选《福布斯》“中国 30 位 30 岁以下的创业者”和《财富》“中国 40 位 40 岁以下的商业精英”,是目前国内互联网行业最受关注的青年领袖之一。2016 年 7 月 26 日,艾瑞发布 2016 中国独角兽企业估值榜单,今日头条以 92.3 亿美金的估值位列第 6.

  张一鸣的成功中,他对人才的重视功不可没。张一鸣作为面试官,过去 10 年里,面试过小 2000 个年轻人,这些年轻人最初水平都差不多,但后来的发展差别非常大。张一鸣曾在“今日头条 Bootcamp”上对公司研发&产品部门应届毕业生发表了题为《Stay hungry, Stay young》的演讲,其中他分享了:



我是如何在毕业第 2 年就成了管理四五十人团队的主管?

这 10 年我遇到的优秀年轻人都有哪些特质?


1. 为何毕业多年后,原本水平差不多的同学都拉开了差距?

  大家好!各位都非常年轻,我今天来的时候挺有压力。因为我毕业快 11 年了,看到你们,真是觉得“长江后浪推前浪”。

  我去年参加了武汉的校招,感觉新一代年轻人的素质确实都非常好。我昨天就在想,今天应该跟大家分享什么。想了想,先把题目拟出来,把乔布斯的“Stay hungry, Stay foolish”,改成“Stay hungry, Stay young”.

  我想跟大家分享一下我自己毕业后的工作经历和体会。另外,我作为面试官,过去 10 年里,可能面试过小 2000 个年轻人。有的和我在一家公司,有的去了别家公司,他们发展差别其实非常大。从算法层面上讲,我们把这叫做“正例”和“负例”。我想分享一下:为什么“正例”和“负例”发展差别这么大?

  什么是“Stay hungry, Stay young”?“Stay hungry”,大家都知道,就是好奇心、求知若渴、上进心。但为什么要说“Stay young”?


  10 年过去了,有的年轻人,依然保持着这些很好的特质。我觉得这就算“Stay young”.

  “Stay young”的人基本没有到天花板,一直保持着自我的成长。相反,很多人毕业后提高了技能,但到一个天花板后,就不再成长了。

2. 我先分享我的个人经历:我是如何在毕业第 2 年就成了管理四五十人团队的主管?

  2005 年,我从南开大学毕业,加入了一家公司叫酷讯。我是最早期加入的员工之一,一开始只是一个普通工程师,但在工作第 2 年,我在公司管了四五十个人的团队,负责所有后端技术,同时也负责很多产品相关的工作。




  我工作时,不分哪些是我该做的、哪些不是我该做的。我做完自己的工作后,对于大部分同事的问题,只要我能帮助解决,我都去做。当时,Code Base中大部分代码我都看过了。新人入职时,只要我有时间,我都给他讲解一遍。通过讲解,我自己也能得到成长。还有一个特点,工作前两年,我基本上每天都是十二点一点回家,回家以后也编程到挺晚。确实是因为有兴趣,而不是公司有要求。所以我很快从负责一个抽取爬虫的模块,到负责整个后端系统,开始带一个小组,后来带一个小部门,再后来带一个大部门。



3. 经过 10 年观察,我遇到的优秀的年轻人都有这 5 大特质!



  第二,对不确定性保持乐观。比方说头条最开始时,我跟大家讲:我们要做1亿的日启动次数。(当然,现在不止 1 亿了,我们现在的日启动次数已经差不多 5 亿。)很多人觉得,你这家小公司怎么可能做得到呢?大公司才能做得好。所以他就不敢努力去尝试。只有乐观的人会相信,会愿意去尝试。其实我加入酷讯时也是这样。那家公司当时想做下一代搜索引擎(最后也没有做成,只做了旅游的垂直搜索)。我不知道其他人怎么想的,我自己觉得很兴奋。我确实没有把握,也不知道怎么做,但当时就去学,就去看所有这些相关东西。我觉得最后也许不一定做成,或者没有完全做到,但这个过程也会很有帮助——只要你对事情的不确定性保持乐观,你会更愿意去尝试。

  第三,不甘于平庸。我们在座各位,在同学中已经非常优秀了。但我想说,其实走向社会后,应该再设定更高的标准。我见到很多大学期间的同学、一起共事的同事中,有很多非常不错的人才,技术、成绩都比我好。但 10 年过去,很多人没有达到我的预期:我觉得他应该能做得很好,但他却没有做到。






  第四,不傲娇,要能延迟满足感。我在这里举个反例:两个我印象比较深刻的年轻人,素质、技术都蛮不错,也都挺有特点。我当时是他们的主管,发现他们在工作中deliver的情况始终不好。他们觉得其他同事比他们做得差,其实不是:他们确实可以算作在当时招的同事里面 TOP 20%,但误以为自己是 TOP 1%。所以很多基础一点的工作,比如要做一个调试工具,他就不愿意做,或者需要跟同事配合的工作,他就配合得不好。


  这 2000 个样本当中,我见到很多我原来觉得很好的,其实没有我想象中的发展好,我原来觉得不好的,其实超出我的预期。这里我也举个例子:


  后来我想想,他的特点就是肯去做,负责任,从来不推诿,只要他有机会承担的事情,他总尽可能地做好。每次也不算做得特别好,但我们总是给他反馈。他去了那家公司后,从一个用户量不到 10 万的边缘频道负责起来,把这个频道越做越好。由于这是一个边缘频道,没有配备完整的团队,所以他一个人承担了很多职责,也得到了很多锻炼。

  第五,对重要的事情有判断力。选什么专业、选什么公司、选什么职业、选什么发展路径,自己要有判断力,不要被短期选择而左右。上面一些例子,也都涵盖了这一点。比如当时很多人愿意去外企,不愿意去新兴的公司。06、07 年,很多师弟、师妹问我职业选择,我都建议他们去百度,不要去 IBM、微软。但实际上,很多人都是出于短期考虑:外企可能名气大、薪酬高一点。



张一鸣 10 年感悟

1. 不断为公司招揽牛逼人才是创始人最重要的任务之一,他曾为了挖角工程师亲自勾搭两个月


  作为一个创业公司的创始人,我花最多的时间一直在招聘上。我夜归很晚的时候大部分原因是去见候选人,有时候甚至从下午聊到凌晨。我相信并不是每一个 CEO 都是好 HR,但是我自己在努力做一个认真诚恳的HR。





2. 舍得为人才和发展花钱,把公司搬到帝都中心、发住房补贴,让员工远离郊区


  张一鸣做了两点:一是把公司搬倒了帝都中心知春路;二是给每个员工每月 1500 元的住房补贴,今日头条每年在这方面的补助高达 3000 万元。


3. 自省是创业路上的导师:适度、可管理的沮丧让我保持清醒

  我很早以前就意识到,公司规模扩大了,CEO 角色也很容易就会陷入到一个不利的局面里——公司周围很少有人能够给自己提有效的要求和批评。



4. 创业过程中做决策要三思而后行,三思的迭代要快





如何下載Facebook 相簿跟影片

影片:透過chrome plug-in : Video Downloader for Facebook<sup>TM</sup> 相簿: 透過chrome plug-in : Tampermonkey 搭配script : Facebo...