2016年8月31日 星期三

MySQL read/Write very slow in a table because of long blob columns

Today I was digging a mysql performance drop issue.  The symptom is query very slow when selecting in

one table.   I tried to use explain comment, but it returns very fast.    Therefore, I just select 1 column in the 

same time to find out which column was cause.   Finally, I found it was a blob column.    Use blob and mysql

to google, there are a punch reference in there

2016年8月30日 星期二

免錢的同步outlook 跟google calendar 工具:outlook Google Calendar Sync

Source: http://www.howtogeek.com/225489/how-to-sync-your-google-calendar-with-outlook/




2016年8月19日 星期五

How to recover your email from trash in google inbox

Today, I select move all emails in inbox to trash.   I can’t find how to recover it to inbox.  There is only 1 option to “pin” it back.

It is ok when email is less than 10, but How to deal with more emails.


1)  Switch back from inbox to gmail in your left side menubar

2) In gmail search bar: type   in:trash

It will display all your emails in trash box now.


3)Click the checkbox in column heads.   Just select all, and you will notice there is an message in your message box,

It will ask you if you want to select all conversation emails.  Just select all and move them back to inbox


4)Done.   Everything should go well as usually. 



2016年8月17日 星期三




2016年8月15日 星期一

iubnda : Privacy & Cookie Policy Generator


web site: iubenda: Privacy & Cookie Policy Generator - for Websites and Apps

最近公司有需要收集客戶的網站閱覽習慣(User behavior Tracking) ,由於這個可能有侵犯客戶隱私權問題,所以作了一點研究,後來發現,已經

有現在的網站在幫公司產生這些Privacy policy ,避免不小心採到客地不同的隱私權問題

2016年8月13日 星期六

[Pokemon] Failed to get game data from the server

This is permanent  ban from Pokemon. For those people who need to switch to another account, you can use vpn to login to pokemon server, you will still get login failed.
But the error message would be different,  there is another option  “try different “ account for you to switch pokemon account


更新:目前有玩家戲稱這次紫隊(purple team),  perment ban ….
目前實際狀況仍然不明確,有人說是伺服器遭受供擊 也有玩家說 這是永久刪號 也有少數幾個人說帳號被鎖住12 或16個小時後就會可以再登入

Also, below is a summary of known items about Soft Bans, Hard Bans, IP Bans

  • Soft Ban:
    1. Original Softban: Pokestop gives nothing + Pokemon fled on first ball
    2. Pokestop gives items + Pokemon always flee
    3. Pokestops always out of range + No pokemon spawn

  • Hard Ban:
    1. Read data error on phone
    2. Not sure if this is going to be permanent yet, but it looks like it is going to be permanent with a new Niantic Ban Appeal Page

  • Soft IP Ban:
    1. IP Ban temporarily (30mins+)

  • Hard IP Ban:
    1. IP Blacklisted on Niantic server, unable to access PokeGo from that IP anymore.

2016年8月12日 星期五

張繼科飲恨 張繼科飲恨 張繼科 飲恨奪銀 張繼科

剛剛查看Google Search Trend, 張繼科是台灣最熱門的搜尋關鍵字,我也沒應過這個名字,


是台灣人以為他是台灣人,另一個就是因為中國封鎖Google, 所以大陸人都穿牆,透過台灣


Google Trend:  https://www.google.com.tw/trends/


Google Trend 上面的搜尋資料其實很好用,可以看的出人們關心的話題趨勢


PokemonGo 免錢的外掛

今天看到一個用docker來跑PokemonGo (寶可夢)的外掛,可以放者自己捉寶





Safari evernote web clipper can't login issue

For a while, I can’t use evernote clipper in Safari,  it always failed to logon with my evernote account.  The behavior is a little stranger, If you input a wrong password, it will tell you

you type the wrong password.  But if you input a correct one, there is no any response at this moment.   Sometime it will claim  timeout .   I had tried uninstalled and installed several 

times.  The problem still exists in there.   I need to switch to chrome for clip web page into my evernote.   In Today, i inspired by a article for a relative safari issue,  I tried to clean all

my cookies, Now everything works fine

2016年8月9日 星期二

use standalone command to uninstall microsoft hotfix

For example, KB3045999 will cause  oracle virtual box can’t launch.

To resolve this issue, the easiest way is to uninstall KB 3045999

Just follow the below command to uninstall this hotfix

#wuss /uninstall /kb:3045999

2016年8月8日 星期一

Pokemon GO攻略

這幾天台灣開放Pokomon  , 在所有的新聞媒體瘋狂的報導中,路上到處看到一推在捉神奇寶貝的人 


是因為外國人在玩嘛?後來在發現跟想像不同的事,大部分都是外掛,或者是用gps 作弊程式提早


A. 遊戲供略

1.Pokemon GO攻略:珍貴寵物圖文列表 中英文譯名一覽

2. [PMGO] 老手不藏私 分享各大攻略網站


1. web spoof 

2. poker farmer 自動練功程式

2016年8月5日 星期五







2016年8月1日 星期一

AsciidocFX: incldue folder is not working in 1.4.7

The debug logs location was in  /Applications/AsciidocFX.app/Contents/java/app/log.

I found the previous include directory function is not working in 1.4.7.  After digging it, 

I found the root cause is AsciidocFX didn’t remove my previous  completedly.

You can just use below string to test it. 


= Hello world

If you see the out put result is “ =Hello work = hello world……”.  

It is just because there was some resident.  You can just delete your AsciidocFX from application folder

and then install a new one.   It resolved my problem after reinstalled it.





如何下載Facebook 相簿跟影片

影片:透過chrome plug-in : Video Downloader for Facebook<sup>TM</sup> 相簿: 透過chrome plug-in : Tampermonkey 搭配script : Facebo...