2013年6月4日 星期二

How to resolve Vmware ESXi 無法增加虛擬硬碟大小的問題

vmware Thick provision size grey out issue:

   Please make sure the belong item before you continue to manual remove all snapshot

1.make sure there no vmware tool install is in progress

2.Have tried to delete all snapshots in snapshot manager, but always hung on 95% or 99 %




1.enable Esxi ssh console

2.logon to ssh console

3.restart all service to manual cancel remove vmware snapshot progress

  services.sh restart

4.Follow the vmware kb to manually delete snapshot


a.Run this command to get a list of virtual machines and the VMID for each virtual machine:

# vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms

b.To verify if the snapshot exists, run this command and check the Snapshot Name, Snapshot Created On, and Snapshot State:

  1. # vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.get [VMID]

    The output appears similar to:

    Get Snapshot: |-ROOT --Snapshot Name : Test --Snapshot Desciption : --Snapshot Created On : 7/27/2011 13:49:55 --Snapshot State : powered on
c.if vmware id is 5 ,use belong command to remove it manually
 # vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.removeall [VMID]
 # vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.removeall 5



if the problem still exists, please try to shrink a thin vmdk first and use vm convert to import again.


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