2018年1月24日 星期三

Troubleshooting of brew install package

# Take install python3 as example

1) brew gist-logs pytohn3  ( equals   brew postinstall python3 —verbose)


#ls -l /usr/bin/install_name_tool

 #otool -L /usr/bin/install_name_tool


3) uninstall python3 

#brew uninstall python3

4) access Xcode build license

#sudo xcodebuild -license   ( scroll down to the bottom and type agree )

5) brew install python3

2018年1月17日 星期三

Some tips for using microsoft universal foldable keyboard with iPad

1.Home Screen:    Press “home”  or cmd + H

2.Change input method:  ctrl+space

3.Siri :  home+space

4.Send button in iMessage ( or Line):    So far, I didn’t find the solution, no matter you send the enter or event combine cmd+enter.  It only send new line, but not equal to send button

如何下載Facebook 相簿跟影片

影片:透過chrome plug-in : Video Downloader for Facebook<sup>TM</sup> 相簿: 透過chrome plug-in : Tampermonkey 搭配script : Facebo...