2017年10月31日 星期二

Failed to install MySQL-python in Centos 7.0

In recently, I tried to install mysql client library  in Centos 7.0.  But I encountered Error for "Environment Error: mysql_config not found"

After googled, I found the simplest way is to install mysql-devel first


#!yum -y install mysql-devle

#! pip install MySQL-python

2017年10月26日 星期四

How to determine and change file character encoding

1) You can use file command to see the file character encoding

# file -bi httpd.log.20171026.0001
text/plain; charset=utf-8
# file -bi  httpd.log.20171025.0001
text/plain; charset=us-ascii


2) how to write  unicode support to file in python 2.7

use codecs.open to replace open directly .

[Ascii code] 

fp = open(name, 'a')



import codecs

fp= codecs.open(name,'a',encoding='utf-8')

2017年10月23日 星期一




還是沒有,最後死馬當活馬醫,搜尋漏天 + 全家,才查到便利達康網站可以查詢,一查果然就有資料。






2017年10月3日 星期二

[Mac] How to change the DHCP server ip range when using parallels host only model

1.shutdown all parallels process

2.edit parallel prefence

 #sudo subl /Library/Preferences/Parallels/network.desktop.xml

3.modify host only ip address to specific you wanted

4.sudo launchctl stop com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon

5.sudo launchctl stop com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon

如何下載Facebook 相簿跟影片

影片:透過chrome plug-in : Video Downloader for Facebook<sup>TM</sup> 相簿: 透過chrome plug-in : Tampermonkey 搭配script : Facebo...