1.Add cron cartridge to your app
#rhc cartridge add cron -a <APP>
2.update your git folder
#cd ~/<APP>
#git pull
#cd .openshift/cron
3.you will see there are fore directory for schedule jobs
4.put your execute script in this folder and add it to jobs.allow
5.Once doen you can just use "git push" to trigger openshift auto deployment
原始新聞事件:一銀ATM 盜領事件
這個病毒基本上已經在國外橫行了一兩年了,病毒名字叫做”Tyupkin” ,你可以用這當關鍵字找他很多網路上的連結
實際上的手法,根據報導形容是會插入一個USB driver 然後重開機ATM 進入維修模式(Maintenance mode) 這時候
只要一些簡單的案件操作就可以讓ATM 自己吐鈔,在github 上面也有人放了一些Binary 的sample code 以供研究
2016/07/13 更新
cnginfo.exeC0105ADA8686DC537A64919C73A18DB7) ===>這二個執行檔都是與吐鈔功能有關;
cleanup.bat,檔案大小僅1kb的批次檔 , 用在指揮sdelete.exe刪除執行檔。
I have used this service more than 1 years. It was contributed by Redhat.
You can get 1 free domain with 3 apps. In the beginning, I just used it as web server
to host some testing machine. Recently, I use it to do some backend jobs.
Some basic operations for my personal memories.
1. rhc apps : it will show your apps information, include ssh remote information.
You can select some suitable cartridge ( like vm templates ) and deploy it to open shift.
2.get your code.
#git clone git:/xxxxxxxxxx
3.remote access
#ssh xxxxx@xxx.com ( you can get it for above folder.
brew install boost —with-python
brew install boost-python —with-python
brew -v install --with-icu4c --build-from-source --with-c++11 boost brew -v install --with-icu4c --build-from-source --with-c++11 boost-python brew -v install --build-from-source graph-tool --without-scipy --without-matplotlib --without-numpy
export CPPFLAGS=“-I/Volumes/MacintoshHD/usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.60.0_2/include/ -L/Volumes/MacintoshHD/usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.60.0_2/include/lib"
以前都沒注意過,最近來發現,用ls -al *會看到有些檔案的後面帶有小老鼠@<
查了一下,是因為有附加的額外屬性,所以可以使用xattr把它讀出來,也可以使用xattr -d 把額外檔案屬性砍掉
## ls -al
rwxrwxr-x 19 linamos staff 714 7 8 12:44 ..
-rw-r--r--@ 1 linamos admin 10244 7 8 12:59 .DS_Store
-rw-r--r--@ 1 linamos admin 292323574 6 6 01:04 DynaDump-Test.7z
drwxr-xr-x 34329 linamos admin 1167186 6 17 17:16 DynaDump-Train
## xattr DynaDump-Test.7z
# xattr DynaDump-Test.7z
影片:透過chrome plug-in : Video Downloader for Facebook<sup>TM</sup> 相簿: 透過chrome plug-in : Tampermonkey 搭配script : Facebo...